QUICK REMEDIES for everyday living can easily form part of your wellness bible. Let’s go over some health and beauty challenges and look into natural approaches.

Bad breath

While most people afflicted with bad breath may not even have the slightest suspicion they have a problem, a sure sign that they do is the natural retreat of others when they are spoken to.

Bad breath may be caused by parasites in the gut, intestinal problems, indigestion, constipation, mouth and gum problems, tooth decay and yeast and fungus infection. A quick fix is to look into oral hygiene. But if this has been ruled out, you need to go deeper inside your body.

To do:

Consider visiting your dentist for a yearly check-up and cleaning.

Include in your regimen during mealtime two capsules of acidophilous, which is good bacteria. Taking yoghurt is not enough, since its bacterial content is insufficient.

Add niacin to your diet. From the Vitamin B family, it can deodorize your body easily. Natural sources include fish, liver, legumes, whole grains and meat.

Exercise to improve your detoxification through the sweat glands. And increase water intake to 10 glasses daily.

Body odor

Sometimes, taking three showers a day isn’t enough. Although keeping the body nice and clean is a must, over-active sweat glands could also cause this socially embarrassing situation.

The secret is to keep the body clean but dry at all times. The moist areas are the ones that attract bacteria.

To do:

Vitamin B12—Include this supplement in your daily vitamin regimen. Natural sources: Eggs, yeast, liver

Zinc—This mineral is a wonder treatment as an infection-preventive and fighter. Load up on vegetables, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, wheat germ.

Acidophilous capsules—to improve intestinal health; these should help restore balance to your stomach. In fact, whether you have a problem or not, it pays to take these capsules daily as a preventive measure.

Natural soaps, especially with anti-bacterial ingredients like virgin coconut oil and lemongrass, have tremendous deodorizing capabilities.

Skin problems

Whether you have sensitive skin or a pimple problem, all these skin challenges boil down to nutrition and your stress levels.

Rule out any allergies to chicken, seafood, peanuts, milk. Try a diet rich in vegetables and fish. Emergency remedies include megadoses of Vitamin C in sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate (ester C) form. Try 3,000 mg daily.

Water therapy—There is almost nothing that good old-fashioned clean water cannot fix. Cleanse by drinking 10-15 glasses daily.

Vit B complex—This can calm the senses, mind and body. Natural sources: Raisins, cantaloupe, beans.

Healthy food—If you have acne problems, cut out all iodized salt and any processed food with iodized salt. Iodine tends to worsen pimple problems.

Zinc—Try one capsule in chelated form so it will not irritate your stomach. And never take zinc on an empty stomach.

Vitamin E—In dry form, this is helpful to the skin.

Beta-carotene—10,000 iu daily for six days as an emergency treatment ought to improve your skin condition. Try Mega-A capsules, which have a combination of acai berries, pomegranate, blueberry and elderberry. (Call 5677577, 0918-4408560. This product from the US, imported by the Miracle Health Co., contains a super berry combination specifically for skin ailments).

Weight problems

Before starting any diet, please consult your physician.

Low-carb diets—While they make you lose weight fast, you may find yourself out of energy, too. Take your carbo during the day. Eat only complex carbs like weet potatoes, multi-grain breads, brown/red rice. Avoid carbs at night.

Zero carbs—This is a bad thing. The ideal diet is a moderate one. Good carbs are the source of your brain food. So, if you don’t want a sluggish brain, focus on the good carbs. Remember, the secret is in the portions. Focus on small servings, not generous ones.

Vegetarian or not, why not try this even for detox purposes? Go green for three days. Almost like magic, your waistline will get smaller. Promise.

Beauty bath

In a tub of warm water, mix a combination of fresh oranges, lemon and lime, complete with the peelings. Slice them up and mix with virgin olive and coconut oils. The result is a super skin revitalizer and moisturizer.

Water fast

Thats right, take no solids today. Instead, one glass of water every 30 minutes. Then end your day by 5 p.m. with a fresh bowl of salad drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Next morning, you will notice that your stomach is flatter.

Affirmation: “Everything good is mine today.”

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Love and light !