DESIGN YOUR own personal rewards program and be more than satisfied with the results—a stronger, more energetic body and pleasant disposition.

Here are points to remember:

Make your doctor your partner. As partners, both decide on a modality of treatment or regimen required, which is acceptable to both.

If you are feeling out of sorts, getting recurrent body pain, do not ignore them. Pain is a signal from your body that something needs fixing. The sooner, the better.

At some point, our bodies will give in to abuse, ignorance, and untold invaders like virus or bacteria. So, we should take care of our body.

Step 1—Green leafy food. All things green like broccoli and spinach are rich sources of Vitamins A and C, iron and folate. They contain phytochemicals—plant compounds that have super protective properties.

Step 2—Moringa (malunggay) contains lunasin, an antibiotic-like protection for the cells which also has antifungal properties. Extracts of moringa oil from seeds and leaves have been known for decades to address the following: immune system detoxification; management of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar; speeds up healing of wounds. Try Moringa Gold Plus. For inquiries, call Naturesherb Inc. at 3763288.

Step 3—Load up on berries—highest in ORAC value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). Locally, there are stories that surround the native bignay, but no clinical studies have been made to date.

Step 4—Increase soluble fiber like oatmeal (as opposed to insoluble, which may irritate the stomach lining) that can naturally absorb cholesterol and maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Step 5—Hydrate. Drink eight to 15 glasses of water daily. This keeps the mucus membranes in the upper respiratory tract resilient to infection. Also it’s a good toxin detoxificant.

Step 6—Eat orange-colored veggies like pumpkin and root crops like kamote rich in beta-carotene and Vitamin B.

Step 7—Exercise daily. It’s consistency that counts, not so much the intensity.

Step 8—Sleep and relax more. Start unburdening yourself with work. Or if your social life is depriving you of much-needed rest, cut back on your commitments. Partying hard will leave you weak in the mornings thus making you skip your morning exercise regimen. You’ve got to weigh the consequences carefully before it takes its toll on your heart or liver. Remember it is only in deep sleep when the body’s thymus gland produces T-cells for our antibodies.

Step 9—Avoid stress; the more stress, the less antibodies. People who are always stressed have colds/flu more frequently than others. Learn to relax.


Light a candle. Turn off the bedroom lights. Focus on the flame for a minute or two. Play soothing music. Practice slow breathing.

Affirm: “Serenity is my constant companion.”

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Love and light!