THERE ARE many approaches to wellness. Here are some of them.

For vegans

Do you know that vegans (who don’t eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products) become deficient in Vitamin B12 within five years of strict diet? Deficiency in B12 causes pernicious anemia and cell deterioration. Symptoms include: burning tongue, depression, fatigue, stomach pains. Natural sources: liver, nuts, meat. Supplements: B12 capsules, 6 mcg

Skin rescuer

Sun worshippers, take note. If applied within eight hours of sun exposure, Vitamin E can prevent skin damage. Because it also increases your sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, it should be used after and not before exposure. An oral supplement speeds up skin healing because of its anti-inflammatory effect. Natural sources: spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Supplements: 400 IU (d-alpha tocopherol)

Easy breathing

There are two major components of asthma: noisy, wheezing feeling and quiet inflammation. Health counseling includes isolation from animal hair, removal of carpets, avoidance of cigarettes/ smoky places, abstinence from chocolates, peanuts, chicken and shellfish. Magnesium has relaxing properties that help the heart. Its prostacyclins reduce inflammation and stabilize the immune system. Natural sources: 1 pint of beer daily (would you believe?) Supplements: 400 mg magnesium daily or intravenously for severe asthma attacks. This relaxes the muscles around blood vessels and lungs.

SWAT team

There is a combination of vitamins and minerals that can form a SWAT team to defend your cells from free radical damage caused by bacteria and viruses called ACES (Vitamin A in natural form or betacarotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and mineral selenium). This elite team will prevent your body from being held hostage by disease-carrying invaders. Damage from free radicals is a major factor in all diseases. To boost resistance and stamina, an antioxidant supplement is recommended bydoctors. While there is a question about dosage, the recommended consumption is 500 mg Vitamin C, 25,000 iu beta carotene, 400 iu Vitamin E, 50 mg selenium.

Virus defense

A single virus cell can multiply rapidly up to 100,000 if you don’t keep your hands clean. Imagine door knobs, elevator buttons, toilets and telephones in public places that are breeding grounds for virus. Even shaking hands can be risky—just as every sneeze and coughs are cold transporters. So be careful when you scratch your nose or touch your face, you could be in danger of succumbing to fall-shaped organisms called rhinoviruses. They are so small that 15,000 could cram themselves in the space between the two words in this column. What to do: Load up on Vitamin C up to 3,000mg daily. Because it’s water-soluble, there’s no danger of toxicity. Drink plenty of fluids. Moist mucus lining on the throat can trap viruses more easily. Spice up your foods with chili and curry that ensure a regular flow of mucus and decongestion.

Bathroom ritual

Mix in a basin cool water, one drop of peppermint oil (if none, use ¼ c fresh mint leaves). Use this as face and body splash. Feel invigorated.

Affirm today: “My will is unbreakable, my strength is unlimited.”

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Love and light!

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