ADOPTING A wellness regimen starts with one’s state of mind plus some basic info guide.


The more you eat, the more food-sourced energy is stored in the body waiting to be burned. The more you exercise, the faster the stored fat/sugar is burned. Therefore, no exercise > weight gain. Exercise > weight loss.

Heathy food

Kelp, a special kind of seaweed provides the body with sufficient quantities of iodine. This keeps the metabolic rate balanced. Iodine is a metabolic balancer effective for detox.

Multivitamins ensure supply of essential nutrients which keep the cells in top condition.

L-Carnitine, a potential life extender provides the heart and skeletal cells with energy. For heart health, it is a must. By converting stored body fat into energy, it is heralded as the ultimate diet pill for it speeds up metabolism. But it may cause the body to have fishy odor due to the breakdown of carnitine in the stomach by natural bacteria. Dosage—two 500 mg daily more than 1 g.

Green tea, a naturally high caffeine source, boosts the immune system and the body’s fat-burning capacity.

Detox at home

Touch therapy is effective especially when done daily. Self-massage with special techniques can stimulate the lymphatic system to do its job efficiently—expelling toxins.

Face and neck—Press your finger pads firmly on your face. Make a circular motion upwards from chin to forehead. Continue the strokes down the neck and chest.

Shoulder and arm—Using your hand, make long, firm strokes towards the shoulder. This pushes the blood toward the top of the arm.

Hand and wrist—Place the thumb of left hand on the knuckle of right thumb. Firmly stroke it toward the wrist. Do the same on your left hand.

Stomach and chest—Place hands flatly on your stomach while massaging in large circles the entire torso. Right hand goes counter clockwise, left hand clockwise.

Lower back and spine— Stand with legs at shoulder width distance. Put hands on the hips with fingers in front and thumbs on the back. Press firmly into the spine and lower back.

Thigh and buttocks—Sit down, legs supported by edge of the bed or chair. With your flat hands, work in firm circles over the buttocks and thigh areas. Stop when skin becomes pinkish. Always maintain firm pressure.

Green is best

The deeper the food’s green color, the higher the chlorophyll content. If vegetables are not your thing, mix pure liquid chlorophyll in a glass of water to cleanse your blood. Call Synergy’s Kata at 0918-9335404 (US-based health company).

Beauty regimen

In a tub of warm water, mix three long stems of fresh lemon grass (tanglad), ¼ c of basil leaves. Soak yourself for seven minutes. This will detox your skin, leaving it revitalized.

Affirm today: “Nothing and no one can disturb my inner peace.”

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Love and light!

Reference: Detox Yourself by Jane Scrivner