A LITTLE spice goes a very long way, especially when it comes to your health and beauty.

Prophetic prescriptions or divine regimens in the Bible? In Numbers 11:5, “We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumber and the melons... the leeks, onions and garlic.”

And so, we zero in on garlic as a remarkable health-builder. Often referred to as a “super food,” this astonishing bulb has been recognized in the scientific world as having potent germ-killing and disease-fighting benefits. It simply but naturally spurs the immune system into fighting and overcoming many health challenges.

If you need an antidote to a virus or a heart declogger and blood thinner, there’s garlic—now considered as antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial based on numerous scientific studies found in the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland.

In 1944, a chemist, Chester J. Cavalito, discovered that the odorous (offensive to others) compound of garlic called allicin had antibiotic power. He pointed out that it could be more powerful than the drugs penicillin and tetracycline.

As a broad-spectrum antibiotic which does not kill the natural flora or good bacteria in the body unlike antibiotic drugs, the garlic compound controls the spread of diseases like typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea and strep throat.

Lifestyle helper

Lifestyle diseases are plaguing the public today, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer. Garlic is best for disease prevention and management. Here are some incontestable sources of information:

Dr. Tariq Abdullah from the Akbar Clinic and Research Center, Panama City: Three control groups were used in an experiment, the first two consuming fresh garlic and supplements, the third group none. Result: Killer cells taken from the blood of the garlic eaters had destroyed 140 to 160 percent more cancer cells than those who did not eat garlic.

This study has far-reaching implications, not just for cancer but also for AIDS, which entails a decline in the immune system. Abdullah himself eats several raw garlic cloves daily and has not caught a cold in 20 years.

Dr. Benjamin Lau of Lomalinda University of California has shown in studies that garlic extract is able to reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Dr. V. Petrov of the Academy of Scientists, Bulgaria, also reported that, after numerous trials, garlic was able to reduce the systolic blood pressure drop of 20 to 30 points and a diastolic drop of 10 to 20 points.

Also a diet pill

Dr. Myung Chi of Lincoln University, Nebraska also shows that garlic influences the manner in which fats are metabolized. It reduces the levels of blood fat and blood sugar. Because it can detoxify toxins which are stored in fat, it is now hailed as a diet pill and appetite inhibitor.

Apart from allicin, garlic contains ajoene (ajo is Spanish for garlic), a substance that thins the blood and prevents it from clotting.

Stored within the bulb’s cells are vitamins A, B1, C, E plus minerals, sulfur, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium and iron and trace elements. This unbelievable bulb contains over 30 sulfur compounds that fight fungi by stimulating the thymus gland to increase production of T-cells, killing the fungus invaders and building an immunity to its recurrence (for example, candida albicians, which can embed itself in private parts, nail beds, on the skin, etc.)

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a member of the lily family and is a relative of the onion. As early as 3000 BC, Chinese scholars already praised garlic. It was also mentioned in Sanskrit writings. The historian Herodotus mentioned that workers on the Great Pyramid of Giza lived on onion and garlic.

Marco Polo also mentioned garlic in his journals, and Homer praised it. In Boccaccio’s “Decameron,” a lovestruck man sent garlic to his lady love to win her heart, and he was successful. Balkan countries, meanwhile, use it to drive away evil spirits and vampires, by rubbing garlic on doors and windows.


Rub the soles of the feet with cut/crushed garlic.

Drink a tonic of honey and garlic for 10 days to cleanse the blood.

For toothache, place one sliver of garlic in the tooth cavity to relieve pain and draw out the pus.

As an emergency pimple cure, one drop of garlic extracts (from crushed garlic) plus two drops of virgin coconut oil or olive oil placed on affected area should bring down the infection.

As a sprain balm: On the inflamed area, place three to four cloves of crushed garlic, on top of a thin film of oil (baby, olive or VCO). Bandage well. Inflammation should go down within two to three hours.

Garlic breath

Why does something so good smell so bad? Remember, if it weren’t for this odor, there wouldn’t be benefits. So if you don’t like the smell, keep the garlic uncut and whole. Once bruised, its pungent odor is released.

Some odor fighters: Eat fresh apples and chew on an orange skin or coffee bean. Sip cinnamon tea. To remove garlic smell on the hands, rub them with lemon and salt, then rinse with water.

Today’s affirmation: “I welcome a miracle each day.”

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Love and light!

Reference: James O’brien Globe mini-mag