WE ALL HAVE A GREAT CAPACITY to exceed our own physical, mental and emotional limitations. God in His wisdom built into our system a perfect working order of cells that formed every masterpiece of an organ—each one performing a task that works in unison. It’s the perfect teamwork. But the key here is to try to maintain this synchronized movement and flow.

Out of synch

Our prehistoric ancestors lived in a 100-percent organic world. They survived on wild fish and fowl, berries and plants. Rainwater was so clean one could drink the raindrops straight from the sky. But in today’s world, we are literally held hostage by pollution of land, sea and air. Even the food we eat is already contaminated. Chances are, our own blood is slowly poisoned by lead, mercury, etc.—all absorbed by our bodies. It’s a slow death and a silent one at that.

Tips for quick detox

1. Flush out toxins by hydrating with 12-15 glasses of water daily.

2. Eat vegetables and fruits—raw and uncooked.

3. Sweat it out daily. The skin needs to breathe. If the pores are clogged, it will not be able to do its job of expelling toxins.

4. Drink up on activated charcoal tablets. Any health food store should carry this or call Biosafe for your supply. Charcoal has the capacity to absorb heavy metals. (Call 411-9168.)

5. Have a charcoal bath. If it’s too messy, rub the activated charcoal on wet skin. You may look strange but your inner poisons will be sucked out.

Lightness of being

The immediate effect of a detox is lightness of being and feeling. For those who wish to take their detox program more seriously, 4-5 days at the farm in San Benito, Batangas, ought to be your choice. In just four days, immediate health benefits include weight loss of 5-6 lb, glowing complexion, energy levels raised.

Heart power

One of the best ways to feel an instant lift as though you were plugged into a live electrical socket is to include the amino acid L-Arginine in your daily regimen. Amino acids are the building blocks of cells. And if just one is deficient in our body, it affects the totality of what we are made of. There are 23 commonly known amino acids. And eight are called essential which cannot be manufactured by the human body and must be only obtained from food or special supplements. It is important to know that in order for the body to effectively use and properly synthesize protein, all the eight essential amino acids must be present. The next question is: How much protein do I need?

On the average, you need 45 g a day. That’s not very much—it’s like one chicken breast plus a serving of yoghurt. If you’re one of those protein addicts simply because you think carbohydrates are more fattening, take a look at this:

1 g protein > 4 calories

1 g carbohydrate > 4 calories

1 g fat > 9 calories

In other words, carbohydrates and protein give the same caloric count. If you truly want a boost the natural way:

1. Balance your carbohydrates and protein.

2. Supplement with a combination of Vitamins B6, B12, C, D, folic acid and L-Arginine, a powerful combination called Pro-Arginine by Synergy worldwide from Utah, USA.

Can a 13-year-old boy conquer Mt. Everest?

You may say no because his heart may not be as developed to withstand the pressures of climbing 29,000 feet in the Himalayas. But climb it he did. Jordon Romero became one of the youngest to scale this formidable mountain that claims one in 10 climbers. While climbers around them got sick and fell along the wayside, he remained strong. To prepare for the challenge, he took his regular dosage of Pro-Arginine drink daily and not once did he falter. (For info, call Synergy-KATA at 0918-9335404.)

Affirm now: “There is so much more good inside me!”

Love and light!