Sunday, May 16, 2010

What Happened to Quality Control?

In my usual daily activity of tending to my small store, I noticed something unusual about a still sealed Coke Litro bottle. I looked a bit longer to see what's the thing floating in the particular bottle. When I cannot decipher what the thing is, I took my trusted Nokia 95 and alas the thing is still there in living glory.

Sometimes we can not blame also the beverage company about the dirts that from time to time may have passed their Quality Control Department. As a store owner and retailer of soft drinks, I often encounter bottles which can be considered as unfit anymore for use as  refillable bottles.

There are bottles that were used as container for gasoline, kerosene, dirty oil, human urine, cigarette stubs, and what have you Sometimes the bottles were stained or dirtied with cement or paint, and so many other human pollutants you can ever imagine.

I featured this not to embarrass COKE, but to tell users of this product which is already a part of our daily life, to always"Be Aware". We can only be assured of a clean product if we ourselves will do our part of maintaining the cleanliness of the bottles we return to our "suking tindahan". I know that it is already a policy of the company to accept only clean bottles together with its cap.But because of the customers hardheadedness sometimes dirty bottles were mixed with clean ones.  

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