Sunday, May 2, 2010

From Noynoy to Gibo......with thanks.

As of today I have reluctantly changed my preference for president from Noynoy to Gibo. I have been waiting for Noynoy to speak categorically about his undying support to the Reproductive Health Bill which for my own belief is a source of so many evils that would affect the lives of not only Christians but other believers as well.

Advocates of the RH Bill keep on talking that population growth is the problem relative to the basic services that the government is giving its constituents. I don't believe that people should be blamed entirely, but bad people who have no conscience. People who takes away things intended for the whole community but because of greed and indifference, they don't give a damn as long as they can get what they want.

Corruption and greed is the cause of it all, not population explosion. If we only follow what God wants, then we can rest assure that God will make our lives fruitful as He Himself promised. I can now openly claim that I am not going against the natural law of God, that is preserving what He has created for the good not only of mankind but all of His creations.

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