HERE ARE ANSWERS TO some of your pressing questions on how to improve the quality of your life. And if in the process we can successfully delay the aging process, why not?

Q: Is anti-aging an exaggeration?

Not at all. Decades ago, scientists had already discovered why the human body deteriorates—visibly seen through wrinkles, age spots. It is because of genetics, disease, stress, environmental factors such as pollution, smoking, diet. Blame it on the molecules called free radicals that attack our healthy cells. The truth is it’s all part of normal cell metabolism, which converts carbohydrates and fat into energy that gives power to our cells. With every breath you take you generate free radicals. And yet, if we can control reactions caused by free radicals, then we could maintain healthier cells. For example, it is believed 40-50 percent of all the proteins in an older person may be damaged by this natural phenomenon. Laboratory studies indicate that damaged proteins shorten the life span of lab animals. What’s the solution? Millions of free radicals bombard the cells daily. The reason we don’t feel its immediate effects is due to the natural free radical fighting army of the body. While the body produces its own natural antioxidants, it is not enough to combat modern-day civilization’s stresses. For example, our body wasn’t designed to withstand the damage caused by air pollution, high-fat diet, excessive alcohol intake and constant exposure to life-threatening viruses. If left unchecked, these could accelerate aging leading to Parkinsons’ disease, cataracts, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s.

Natural regimens include:

Monthly detoxification through colon cleansing/enemas, 10 capsules of cod liver oil or 2 tbsp of the liquid form daily. This will deeply moisturize your skin from the inside.

Take natural antioxidants like Vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and selenium.

Eat more garlic or take 2 capsules of garlic oil daily because they prolong the life span of normal skin cells and guard against heart disease, lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and regulate sugar levels.

Contact Dr. Omar Arabia for detailed instructions. His success stories from positive health testimonials are numerous. Call 2151953 or Biosafe at 4119168. Dr. Irene Lim has detox regimens which have helped many patients get well.

Take in more protein. Good sources are fish, nuts, chicken, mushrooms. But keep it lean.

Exercise daily even if it’s only 30 minutes of cardiovascular workout. The benefits are astounding.

Look on the bright side. Having dark thoughts bring out angry feelings thereby raising the acidity level of the body. Staying in a state of acidity welcomes illness.

Load up on berries like blueberries and the potent ACAI whose ORAL value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) is one of the highest in the world. Call World of Wellness at 7233878, 3323864, 0922-8689751.

Pop a glutathione pill or take it from natural sources: fruits and vegetables.

Q: Why is L-Carnitine a health craze?

Because it does the job! This is an amino acid which has the potential to extend your life and boost the heart. As a diet therapy it converts stored body fat into energy. Many athletes use it for prolonged workouts. Natural sources: meat and dairy. Take 500 mg once a day to keep your waistline trim, especially when combined with exercise. Also, ask your dermatologist about injections. Call Zen Institute’s Dr. MJ Valdecanas at 8562027.

Q: Please recommend a natural remedy for headaches.

Most headaches maybe caused by dehydration and a deficiency in minerals. Take a glass of water every hour without fail. Sip a cup of peppermint tea, an antispasmodic which treats nervousness, insomnia, cramps, coughs and dizziness. Its leaves are so potent; it can work as well as aspirin or a mild painkiller—with no side effects. Try nature’s tranquilizers—calcium and magnesium (ratio is 2:1) For migraines, try niacin 100 mg three times daily or gingko biloba 60 mg twice daily plus 100 mg B complex twice daily. Source is Dr. Earl Mindell, Vitamin Bible for the 21st century.

Q: I want to raise my calcium levels but refuse to take dairy. Help!

In order for calcium to be absorbed, the body should have enough Vitamin D. Natural sources include leafy green vegetables, broccoli, sardines (with bones), salmon, sunflower seeds and dried beans. Take a Vitamin D supplement if you don’t get enough morning sunlight or include 400 IU fish liver oil to your health regimen.

Beauty mix

Mix 1 cup goat’s/cow’s milk, juice from ½ lemon, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. Shake. It’s great after a bath.

Affirmation: “I am a blessing to others.”

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Love and light!

Quotable Quotes: "Man's way leads to hopeless end.....God way leads to an endless hope".